The Rhythm between Us

Photography, 2021.

Perhaps my awareness of the landscape’s immediate proximity to our home was enough to trigger this project. A contributing factor was doubtlessly that nature touches my consciousness the way it touches a painter’s mind. The isolation of the pandemic and the temporarily altered patterns of my everyday life created a shift in my perception. The solitary child and the landscape began to speak to me in one voice, describing the movement of time. The distance between them, subsequently the empty space between the pictures, spoke of loneliness as closeness. And here, their individuality gave them connection.


Holograms of Ecolonia #31-34

Photo manipulation
2019 - 2020
Commission for Stockolms Läns Landsting


Paintings of Ecolonia

In order: Untitled Painting #11, Untitled Painting #9, Untitled Painting #8, Untitled Painting #10


Holograms of Ecolonia #1-6
